Strengthen the NGI Community – take the survey

NGI Community Survey

The NGI Community has put together an online survey to strengthen the services offered to members. The survey aims to assess how members of the NGI community perceive its contents and usability, as well as to gather suggestions to improve and fine-tune the current approach in accordance with community members’ interests.

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) community is a dynamic and interactive web-based platform to dynamize the ecosystem around the Next Generation Internet initiative. It is hosted in the FundingBox communities platform and it includes communication services fostering collaborative work, aiming at facilitating interaction among stakeholders (pioneers, entrepreneurs, researchers, innovators and interested parties) and providing information on best practices, trends in the market, events, funding opportunities, NGI programs and more.

NGI Community members, help us help YOU

The NGI Community is a vibrant place where more than 2,600 members can openly ask questions and seek solutions, find information about funding opportunities, partners, events and news.

In order to improve the user experience, interested parties are invited to fill out a quick survey about the community, in order that it may improve. It only takes a couple of minutes, and will provide valuable insights on how to make the community even stronger.

Take the survey now!

Good things about the survey

  • Whether you are Barbara Blackburn (1) or an old school two-finger typer, this survey won’t take longer than five minutes.
  • The survey is anonymous
  • The feedback you provide will help the team improve the features and content of the community

(1) Barbara Blackburn was the world’s fastest typist. In 1985 the Guinness Book of World Records verified that she maintained an average speed of 150 wpm (words per minute) for 50 minutes (37,500 keystrokes at an average of 12.5 keystrokes per second). In cpm (characters per minute), that’s 750 keystrokes per minute.
Source: Wikipedia.

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