Disposable Identities and Digital Twins

A short report of Salon: Disposable Identities and Digital Twins

The Eclipse Foundation was created in January 2004 as an independent not-for-profit corporation to act as the steward of the Eclipse community. The independent not-for-profit corporation was created to allow a vendor-neutral, open, and transparent community to be established around Eclipse.

Gaël Blondelle@gblondelle – VP Ecosystem Development at @EclipseFdn, Managing Director Eclipse Foundation Europe talks about the move of ECLIPSE to Europe as most open source developers are in Europe. Two-thirds of all coding commits are from Europe. The Foundation also feels aligned with the system of values – from GDPR to Data Governance Act – that is actualizing as a European Digital Transition.

Michele Nati@michelenati – is Head of Telco and Infrastructure Development at IOTA Foundation and DLTs Architect, Data Trust Expert. In this White Paper, which he edited and co-authored, he outlines a vision of a completely trusted Business Ecosystem where Telcos, together with supply chain actors, can interact together to deliver trusted Zero-Touch Industry 4.0 solutions. IOTA is working with ECLIPSE in the Tangle EE working group. It provides a governed environment for organizations and contributors to develop new ideas and applications using IOTA technologies. Tangle EE provides a governance framework for building projects on IOTA. Organizations can now join the Tangle EE working group and shape the development of exciting future technologies, starting with Unified Identity and Decentralized Marketplaces.

Petros Kavassalis@pkavassalis – Associate Professor at University of the Aegean, has joined the Tangle EE working Group to streamline an identity concept and layer based on the notion of disposable identities. His approach levers the potential of Disposable Identities, Self-Sovereign Identities technologies and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) to enable digital document verification and credential-based access control in ad hoc outdoor and indoor settings (and beyond). Towards this, he specifically introduces the concept of “Derivative” (i.e., transcoded/contextual) Verifiable Credentials. A Derivative VC is a derived bond contract guaranteeing the validity and ownership over the underlying contracts (VCs) whose: a) usability is restricted in a very specific context (that of the “local” and time-limited interaction between a Subject and a Service Provider) and, b) linking table points only to a specific “Pairwise DID”.

Rob Tiffany@RobTiffany – is VP & Head of IoT Strategy at Ericsson. Rob Tiffany joined Ericsson in 2018, where he is now the Vice President and Head of IoT Strategy. In this role, he drives strategy and execution at the intersection of 5G, edge computing and the Internet of Things. In The Future of the IoT Connectivity Landscape he speaks to the global adoption of IoT, “and shares some of the key considerations companies should be taking into account when thinking about connectivity early in their IoT journey.” Ericsson works with the Eclipse Foundation in the open-source project Eclipse KUKSA that started with the “aim to deploy an open and secure vehicle-to-cloud platform connecting a wide range of cars and transport vehicles to the cloud via open in-car and internet connections, taking advantage of 5G or alternative connectivity solutions. It then evolved to establishing a software development and deployment environment and create an open ecosystem taking into account the specific quality requirements of the automotive industry.”

The participants discussed the current balance between centralization and decentralization. A situation where policymakers and industry are looking more and more into radical solutions either on the one side or the other, voices are forming that argue to invest more in distributed solutions, not seeing centralized-decentralized as juxtaposed but as relative productive building blocks that can be both deployed in a system approach. It is important to include voices from the industry as they work with ‘what is real’, and are up to speed about the climate for investors and the levels of trust of their clients.


The Eclipse Foundation Is Moving to Europe

Federated CSPs Marketplace, White Paper
A DLT-based Data Trust enabling Business Assurance for CSPs Platforms Federation

Tangle EE

Disposable Yet Official Identities (DYOI) for Privacy-Preserving System Design – The case of COVID-19 digital document verification and credential-based access control in ad hoc outdoor and indoor settings (and beyond)

The Future of the IoT Connectivity Landscape | Ericsson’s Rob Tiffany

The Moab Foundation

“Right about the time I got Moab to MVP stage, I joined Ericsson to help them on their Internet Of Things journey. Since then, people often ask me what I’ve done with the product and code I built. Many of you know I’m passionate about Sustainability, and one of the best ways I can help is to make Moab Open Source and available to help tackle the world’s biggest challenges including hunger, climate change and water scarcity to name a few.”
Kuksa and APPSTACLE bring open-source software development to the automotive industry

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