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How can we bring a realistic positive story that accepts that techno-political influence and agency/power is already here, and needs to be debated with new terms and concepts? What language, visuals, channels and ‘politics’ is needed?

05 June 2019 | 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Darwin Building B05, Darwin Building, UCL, London

Our work lies in building a middle of realistic optimism, possibilism, between transhumanist embracing of becoming cyborg or hybrids and the fear paradigm that scares citizens into non-adoption of new technologies and isolation (I don’t share, I keep everything private).  According to Gramsci we are living in a ‘time of monsters’. The old has not yet lost its capacity for giving meaning to what is ‘normal’, the new is struggling to articulate itself it such a way that large groups of people accept it as a mental model for giving meaning to everyday activities. In such times we witness all available global political models losing their supporting qualities in order to foreground their core beliefs; the belief in the absolute individual qualities to be successful, in the ability to describe the world in a coherent rational way demanding adherence to its articulation in the law and its accordance with the rules, and fronting and creating the collective through monitoring all levels of production and consumption including everyday activities, it is clear that all first responses to the digital are also failing; the backlash again data driven business models in the fallout of Cambridge Analytica, the ambiguous policy regarding fintech and crypto and lack of internal innovation in China, the tension between GDRP and blockchain, and the lack of real value driven policy models in Europe.
We thus posit that there is a window of opportunity for a Next Generation Internet that neither of the current governing frameworks have been able to formulate yet, namely a human centric approach that understands human and machine complementarity.

Discussing Next Generation Internet Technology and Policy Workshop, Focus on 5G

17 June 2019 | 11:00 am to 12:30 pm (1 hour 30 minutes)
Workshop @ IoTweek2019 | Aarhus University – Nygaard undervisning 5335-184
How can we ensure not making the same mistakes as with the (failed) smart city (applications), but co-create services in the vertical applications (body/health, home/energy, car/sharing, region/collective intelligence) with all stakeholders including citizens? In this workshop we want to investigate the procedure of embedding these ideas and requirements in a Digital Signature for the Infrastructure. This has the important bonus it no longer matters who hosts the data and which platforms it runs, as the liability, accountability, procurement, GDPR and Cybersecurity Act compliance is in situational contracts (term Christian Nold), thus ensuring the new insights (fostering new services) stay well known to all stakeholders. In earlier workshops of NGI Forward WP3 the realization was made that in these 5G environments all entities (whether persons, goods, objects or situations) will be given federated and temporary identities, as in the case of an accident with the connected car in which all ‘stakeholders’ (the car, the person, the lantern pole that is hit, the water that the crashes into that is polluted…) receive temporary identities the ensemble of which becomes the ‘virtual accident’ the liability and accountability is administered on. Currently eIDas is the digital signature for persons, GS1 is providing product codes (‘passports’) for goods and is mapping and numbering everyday activities. In these environments AI will run in the network and robotic capabilities are built in to function semi-autonomously, the agency to name the combinations of the temporary and federated (attribute-based) identities will be vital to creating new services. Currently this agency is in the hands of GAFA and BAT.

Digital Signatures for Marketplaces

17 June 2019 | 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm (1 hour 30 minutes)
Workshop @ IoTweek2019 | Aarhus University – Nygaard undervisning 5335-184
Digital Signatures for services (banking, payment, energy, education, care, mobility, connectivity…) and Digital Signatures for architectures (virtual and analogue enablers of connectivity) are defined by stakeholders that organize themselves, ICANN style, without any commercial intent to take profit elsewhere. They are a tool to complement current actions on procurement and local agency as in this kind of SLA it does not matter that the original data sets and analytical platforms are not under your control. In this manner local stakeholders are a priority part of building the next layer of value, naming the new entities that are formed when AI inspired intelligence starts to see patterns unrecognizable before.
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