SURVEY4NGI – How effective is EU support in Next Generation Internet?

HUB4NGI has launched an online survey – SURVEY4NGI – that is focused on assessing the contribution of IT providers, research projects and cascade funding projects with respect to Next Generation Internet (NGI) objectives as well as EC effectiveness in supporting innovation in Europe, investigating potential gaps and identifying future trends.

The NGI initiative, launched by the European Commission, aims to shape the future internet as an interoperable platform ecosystem that embodies the values that Europe holds dear: openness, inclusivity, transparency, privacy, cooperation, and protection of data. The NGI will drive this technological revolution and ensure the progressive adoption of advanced concepts and methodologies spanning the domains of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, interactive technologies and more, while contributing to making the future internet more human-centric.

The results of the survey will feed into a detailed report that will be produced and published in December 2018.

You are invited to take part in this survey and share your views. Please find the survey at:

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