NGI session @ Mobile World Congress 2018

An interactive panel discussion: ‘Will privacy enhancing business models drive the NGI?’

TUESDAY 27th of February 2018 | 16:30 – 17:30 | Mobile World Capital booth

The interactive panel on Tuesday 27th of February 2018 @ MWC2018 was a success and the ideal moment to place the NGI and its approach in the current mobile world by highlighting the opportunities this initiative could bring to #creating a better future.
The opening by Pearse O’Donohue, European Commission, Director CONNECT/E ‘Future Networks’ on NGI – What is the Next Generation Internet-Initiative aiming for? was followed by a key note speech on ‘Challenges for a trustworthy Internet’ from Dr. Sergi Figuerola, CTIO of i2CAT.
This was followed by an interactive panel discussion on ‘Will privacy enhancing business models drive the NGI?’ with:
  • Pearse O’Donohue, European Commission, Director CONNECT/E ‘Future Networks’
  • Dr. Sergi Figuerola, CTIO of i2CAT
  • Tomas Diez, Fab City Research Lab Director / Smart Citizen Co-founder / MDEF Director / MaCT Senior Faculty
  • Monique Calisti, Executive Director & Partner – Martel Innovate
Moderated by Nicole Muessigmann, European Commission, Next Generation Internet (Unit E3)
Thanks to the amazing panelists, we had an engaging discussion including an active audience that raised interesting questions and enriched the ongoing discussion on how privacy enhancing business models will change our future and will change the dynamics of NGI, too.
Finally, in line with #creating a better future to wrap up this session with the following statement:
NGI = applications
NGI = a culture of people engagement in technologies
NGI = prototyping and continuous experimentation
NGI = bring business, society and regulators together.
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