NGI Awards prepare the stage for Next Generation Internet success


  • NGI Start-up Awards
  • NGI Research and Education Awards
  • Culture of NGI Awards

Call for nominees starts May 2018

NGI Start-up awards

The NGI Start-up awards acknowledges the contribution of the most disruptive entrepreneurs across Europe pushing forward revolutionary products, solutions and services that offer a great long-term market impact on the future of the internet.

  • Privacy and trust enhancing technologies
  • Decentralised data governance
  • Discovery and identification

NGI Research and Education Awards

The NGI Researcher and Education Awards are a
recognition of the brightest minds and most innovative
teachers and educational institutions in Europe.

  • Brilliant early career researchers
  • Brilliant PhD and master students
  • Outstanding schools/teachers
  • Outstanding Masters and Bachelors course

NGI Culture Awards

The Culture of NGI awards are a celebration of the European initiatives and individuals that are the most impactful among citizens as well as relevant in shaping a new culture around technology.

  • Impactful tech
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Data as human right
  • Disruptive culture drivers

Find out more on our NGI Awards Website

Visit us @ 4YFN Booth #25 near Summit stage

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